Business Skills

Managing Risk

The Managing Risk mind map explores how you can minimize the risks and maximize your results as you work towards the attainment of your goals and objectives. The mind map begins by defining what risk taking really means and how risking nothing can lead you down the path to nowhere. On the other hand, this branch explores how risking consistently and intelligently can lead to many opportunities for growth and creative self-expression.

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Personal Development

The Personal Development Mind Map is one of the seven strategies for Wealth & Happiness by Jim Rohn. The Mind Map begins with an important question to ask on the job which is not What am I getting? but rather What am I becoming?. It then continues to explore The 4 Seasons of Life. Learn how to handle all kinds of winters i.e. economic winters, physical winters, personal winters. Spring is a time to take advantage. Time to take care in the summer. Fall is the time to take responsibility. Work to eliminate self-imposed limitations that are stunting personal development.

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Flow Zone

The Flow zone Mind Map will help you to appreciate entering the zone for creativity and finding purpose. The Mind Map breaks down suggestions from the book “Real Magic” by Wayne Dyer; flow involves being on purpose, enjoyment detached of ego and devoid of judgment – literally living bliss in the moment. In addition the mind map highlights 5 key areas to flow summarised and condensed from the book, they are: Meaning, Focus, Surrender, Experience and Self-observation.

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Creativity and Innovation

The Creativity and Innovation Mind Map captures the contents of a workshop of the same topic conducted with two different groups of participants. The workshop started off with an Intro of the trainer and visual recorder/judge. It progresses quickly to the next branch which defines Creativity and Innovation. The participants take a creativity test which will subsequently release them into the infinite possibilities universe with whole-brain techniques and Mind Mapping. The activities reinforce the power of the Mind Map in stimulating creativity. This Mind Map itself was done live as the workshop was progressing. The colouring after the workshop took more than 6 hours to complete.

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Corporate Meeting Alternatives

The Corporate meeting alternatives Mind Map will help you to consider new ways to hold meetings to help foster new thinking. The Mind Map breaks down ideas such as role-swapping, sports day events and holding meetings outdoors in places such as the countryside or seaside. In addition the mind map covers some more comical and perhaps unlikely alternatives to help spark new ideas and there is also space to add your own thoughts.

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Creativity Principles

The Creativity Principles Mind Map will help you to appreciate what creativity is. The Mind Map breaks down a wonderful quote from the book “Head First” by mind map inventor Tony Buzan (ISBN 0722540469). The mind map looks at how creativity comes about by stretching the imagination and making new associations to establish new ideas that add value. In addition the mind map looks at how creativity gets away from the norm to shock, startle, surprise and provoke new thinking.

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Ideas Shared

The Ideas shared Mind Map will help you to appreciate the potential for airing and sharing your ideas. The Mind Map breaks down the possibilities of using collective brainpower, as everyone has something to contribute. The mind map looks at the power of a single thought or idea and the consequences of not airing or sharing ideas including world changing ideas. In addition the mind map suggests some of the ways you might explore your ideas and get them down on paper, such as journaling, sketching, doodling, writing and mindmapping.

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Invest in Cures

The Invest in cures Mind Map will help you to consider how the world might dedicate time to curing the curable. The Mind Map breaks down how power, purpose, time, money and knowledge could be dedicated in order to fix the fixable. Examples include world problems that do not exist everywhere such as peace, poverty and starvation.

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The Flipside Mind Map will help you to explore how negatives can be turned around as positives. The Mind Map breaks down how negatives can highlight positive opportunities, uncover change potential, create chances for win/win scenarios and focus on positive solutions. In addition the mind map looks at steps to notice negatives and consider the flipside for new positive possibilities.

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Olympic potential

The Olympic potential Mind Map will help you to explore some of the ways the Olympic theme might be celebrated and expanded in life and business. The Mind Map breaks down examples for exploration including celebrating the Olympics at school and college levels, Olympic “thinking” and other events, competitions, music, concerts, festivals and fairs. In addition the mind map offers further ideas for themes such as foods, products, design, advertising and branding.

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