
Peace is an Achievable Miracle

The Peace is an achievable miracle mind map will help you to appreciate how history is in the past and how peace is a possibility in the present. The Mind Map breaks down the positive power of a modern connected world, the implications on future generations and how the present population of the planet could leave a positive legacy for the future.

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Divine Education

The Divine Education Mind Map will help you to appreciate and respect differences and similarities of values and worldwide beliefs. The Mind Map breaks down examples of alternative religious beliefs, shared values, equality, non-discrimination, plus spiritual education methods and examples.

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Global Understanding

The Global understanding Mind Map will help you to appreciate the benefits of a worldwide sharing of values, ethics and unity. The Mind Map breaks down responsibilities for caring and sharing including peace, non-violence and respect plus improving our collective communication skills.

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Corporate Meeting Alternatives

The Corporate meeting alternatives Mind Map will help you to consider new ways to hold meetings to help foster new thinking. The Mind Map breaks down ideas such as role-swapping, sports day events and holding meetings outdoors in places such as the countryside or seaside. In addition the mind map covers some more comical and perhaps unlikely alternatives to help spark new ideas and there is also space to add your own thoughts.

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A Better Earth

A Better Earth Mind Map will help you to appreciate ideas for improving the world. The Mind Map breaks down the improvement of environmental issues such as population and pollution control, improving human and social values, sharing peace and unity and creating better government legislation.

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Global Understanding

The Global understanding Mind Map will help you to appreciate the impact of effective worldwide communication. The Mind Map breaks down world education, sharing and encouraging universal values, world peace and unity, global communication, equality and justice.

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Better Earth

The Better Earth Mind Map will help you to appreciate ideas for improving the world. The Mind Map breaks down improving legislation and policies, organisation and change implementation, leadership, innovation and environmental issues including pollution reduction.

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Ideas Shared

The Ideas shared Mind Map will help you to appreciate the potential for airing and sharing your ideas. The Mind Map breaks down the possibilities of using collective brainpower, as everyone has something to contribute. The mind map looks at the power of a single thought or idea and the consequences of not airing or sharing ideas including world changing ideas. In addition the mind map suggests some of the ways you might explore your ideas and get them down on paper, such as journaling, sketching, doodling, writing and mindmapping.

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Creating Powerful Learning Experiences

This is a Mind Map drawn “live” on the lecture delivered by Dr. Tina Stavredes. The Creating Powerful Learning Experiences Mind Map will help you to understand and appreciate the use of technology to enable learning and teaching.  The Mind Map begins with the prediction and Horizon Report on the use of technology in stimulating augmented reality and problem based learning.  In addition, technology is the driving force to connect the mind to information through a social network and engage the learner to think critically.

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Visual Thinking

The Visual Thinking Mind Map breaks down how the use of images, clear design and creativity can greatly improve comprehension and convenience in the world around us. In addition the mind map explores how visual thinking can be utilised to provide simple instructions, create user-friendly products and services and share knowledge and ideas. The full Blog Post via the download link below expands the ideas further.

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