The Regent Montmartre Hostel mind map will help you to discover the hostel’s neighborhood and take advantage of your journey in Paris. The mind map breaks down personal needs, how to move around, have fun and go to pop concerts, go shopping and discover romantic places like Montmartre.
Read More»The Young and Happy mind map will help you to discover the hostel’s neighborhood and take advantage of your journey in Paris. The mind map breaks down food, how to move around, have fun and nice shops for all you need.
Read More»The Parlez-vous interculturel mind map will help you to discover and practice French like in other countries than France. It will show you the diversity of that language. The mind map breaks down all the chapters you’ll find in “Parlez-vous interculturel” book.
Read More»The Pierre Fabre presentation mind map will show you how and why the enterprise uses Tango 04’s monitoring. The mind map breaks down objectives, difficulties, challenges and more.
Read More»The What I preferred mind map will help you to know more about artists who use cartography in their art work. The mind map breaks down contemporary maps, social and politic maps, body maps psychological maps and more. In addition I invite you to discover that fantastic exhibition.
Read More»The Robert Filliou mind map will help you to discover his work as an artist and an economist and why “Art makes life more interesting than art”. The Mind Map breaks down Robert Filliou’s ideal world, his life and his work of art. In addition there’re many of his famous quotations.
Read More»The Program in Financial Management and Control Mind Map will help you to have a new vision of your studies and make them more pleasant. The Mind Map breaks down business strategy, accounting and finance, finance and management control, financial markets, cases, professional development tools. In addition the mind map contains all the details of the program.
Read More»The Draw your maps easily Mind Map “Dessinez vos cartes avec aisance” will help you to see the benefits of drawing your maps yourself. The Mind Map breaks down the objectives of the formation. In addition there’s a very good sentence of the artist and economist Rober Filliou.
Read More»The Giant Polyglot Mind Map will help you to make links between French, Spanish, Catalan, English and Arabic languages. The Mind Map breaks down house’s vocabulary. In addition there are many words and verbs in relation with every room of the house.
Read More»The Drawing Program Mind Map Dessiner des cartes avec aisance will help you to know more about the design training. The Mind Map breaks down all the sequences of the training.
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