The Regent Montmartre Hostel mind map will help you to discover the hostel’s neighborhood and take advantage of your journey in Paris. The mind map breaks down personal needs, how to move around, have fun and go to pop concerts, go shopping and discover romantic places like Montmartre.
Read More»The Young and Happy mind map will help you to discover the hostel’s neighborhood and take advantage of your journey in Paris. The mind map breaks down food, how to move around, have fun and nice shops for all you need.
Read More»The Olympic potential Mind Map will help you to explore some of the ways the Olympic theme might be celebrated and expanded in life and business. The Mind Map breaks down examples for exploration including celebrating the Olympics at school and college levels, Olympic “thinking” and other events, competitions, music, concerts, festivals and fairs. In addition the mind map offers further ideas for themes such as foods, products, design, advertising and branding.
Read More»The Chicken and Lentil Curry Mind Map will help you to create a curry ideal for barbecues. The Mind Map breaks down ingredients, four stages of preparation and cooking instructions. In addition the mind map offers small photographs of the stages of curry creation.
Read More»The Unplugged Mind Map will help you to consider offline breaks, for recuperation and recharge, reflection and chilling out or as idea generation sessions. The Mind Map breaks down finding space, relaxing and taking time without television, radio, phones and other distractions. In addition the Mind Map highlights potential areas in which to use unplugged time such as hobbies, crafts, art, drawing and writing, project planning and contemplation.
Read More»The Organizing a Party Mind Map will help you and your students to have a global vision of your work. The Mind Map breaks down vocabulary of the party, past tenses and object complement. In addition there are some examples of how to adapt this workshop to different levels.
Read More»The Beauty of the planet Mind Map will help you to observe and absorb nature to help deepen inner peace and calm. The Mind Map breaks down seeing and experiencing the finer detail of our ever-changing planet. In addition the Mind Map highlights stopping, looking and listening to the world around us and noticing the rich colours, aromas and small detail alive to our senses.
Read More»The Smaller Picture Mind Map will help you to hone in on the finer details of gardens, parks and the countryside, alive and bustling with life in miniature. The Mind Map breaks down observing life on a small-scale, like a two foot square space, full of flowers, plants, weeds and tiny insects; complex mini worlds beneath our feet. In addition the Mind Map highlights observing light, shade, texture and temperature, complexity, intrigue and uncertainty; helping heighten observation skills.
Read More»The Projects in French Mind Map will help you to express your desires and wishes. The Mind Map breaks down holidays, travels, near future plans and idiomatic expressions. In addition the mind map gives information about transport, housing, seasons and days of the week as well as conjugation.
Read More»The Shopping in French Mind Map will help you to communicate in a shop to describe items using French grammar. The Mind Map breaks down vocabulary of purchases focusing on clothing. In addition there is information about designs, colors, shapes and idiomatic expressions.
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