
Peace is an Achievable Miracle

The Peace is an achievable miracle mind map will help you to appreciate how history is in the past and how peace is a possibility in the present. The Mind Map breaks down the positive power of a modern connected world, the implications on future generations and how the present population of the planet could leave a positive legacy for the future.

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Global Understanding

The Global understanding Mind Map will help you to appreciate the impact of effective worldwide communication. The Mind Map breaks down world education, sharing and encouraging universal values, world peace and unity, global communication, equality and justice.

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Ideas Shared

The Ideas shared Mind Map will help you to appreciate the potential for airing and sharing your ideas. The Mind Map breaks down the possibilities of using collective brainpower, as everyone has something to contribute. The mind map looks at the power of a single thought or idea and the consequences of not airing or sharing ideas including world changing ideas. In addition the mind map suggests some of the ways you might explore your ideas and get them down on paper, such as journaling, sketching, doodling, writing and mindmapping.

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Invest in Cures

The Invest in cures Mind Map will help you to consider how the world might dedicate time to curing the curable. The Mind Map breaks down how power, purpose, time, money and knowledge could be dedicated in order to fix the fixable. Examples include world problems that do not exist everywhere such as peace, poverty and starvation.

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No us and them

The No us and them Mind Map will help you to appreciate the unity that exists on the planet through human similarities. The Mind Map breaks down how our differences and uniqueness unite us rather than divides us.

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Population Solutions

The Population Solutions Mind Map will help you to learn how effective population decreases may be achieved. The Mind Map breaks down solutions with an example case study where Iran successfully decreased the number of children per family from 7 to 3. In addition the mind map covers education, raising awareness and providing access to family planning services.

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Population and the Planet

The Population and the Planet Mind Map will help you to understand the effects of population growth. The Mind Map breaks down destruction of the natural environment, decreased standards of living, facts on exponential population growth and ways to combat the problem.

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New Cities Cure for Unemployment

The New cities cure for unemployment Mind Map will help you to consider the possibility of creating entirely new cities perhaps some of them devoted to specific fields, such as the growing of food, technology or research. The Mind Map breaks developing areas of the planet otherwise deemed unsuitable or unusable such as many desert areas and creating opportunities for new starts, from scratch; fresh design, from now to the future, rather than building on the past and trying to fix past problems.

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Inauguration Speech

The Inauguration Speech Mind Map will help you to understand the Speech of President Obama on 21st Januray 2009. The Mind Map breaks down each section of the President’s speech, his visions for the future and the challenges we face in the World today in order to make positive progress. The Mind Map is also presented as an interactive summary with audio clips of the speech via the link below.

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