6 Thinking Hats
The 6 Thinking Hats Mind Map summarizes an effective problem solving method first presented by Edward de Bono.
The Mind Map breaks down the roles, goals, objectives and questions of the Blue Managerial Hat, the White Neutral Hat, the Red Intuitive Hat, the Black Pessimistic Hat, the Yellow Optimistic Hat, and the Green Creative Thinking Hat. Each Hat provides you with ever deeper insights into the problem under question.
You will discover all this and more within The 6 Thinking Hats Mind Map.
Cristine Goldberg
Adam, this map is much more detailed than the ones I usually draw when discussing de Bono’s 6 Hat thinking skills. Congrats on building something very useful here.
Adam Sicinski
With this map I wanted to create a reference guide that people could simply refer to when brainstorming ideas.
It helps with the Problem Solving process when you have access to all relevant questions and understand the roles of each of the 6 Thinking Hats.
Thanks for your feedback Cristine.
Lorraine Waumsley
Hi Adam,
What a fantastic piece of work.
Putting on my Green Hat I would like to propose that you call the Black Hat the Judgement Hat rather than the Pessimistic Hat. The reason being that it is the judicious use of Black Hat thinking that will keep you safe, ethical, legal and so on. Nothing pessimistic about that! : )
Adam Sicinski
Hi Lorraine,
You have made a very convincing argument. I took the Pessimistic approach in order to create a little more interest and intrigue. However, I really do like the idea of the Judgment Hat 🙂