Emotional Intelligence
The Emotional Intelligence Mind Map will help you to understand feelings and emotions. The Mind Map breaks down how emotions impact our daily life and work; including acknowledging and responding to our emotions and those of others, plus methods for confronting and processing emotions from awareness and discussion through to action. In addition the Mind Map highlights practices and techniques for taking charge of our emotions.
You will discover all this and more within the Emotional Intelligence Mind Map
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superb, sensitive & synthetic photoshot of E.I
Bharat Wakhlu
Very elegant, and incisive!
A splendid depiction of the concept!
Fantastic outline of these relationships AND beautiful! I really like that you added Don Miguel’s 4 agreements as they are something even people who aren’t particularly ’emotionally intelligent’ can understand as valid – they make tremendous sense from a ‘cognitive/rational’ point of view.
Only one small quibble… an ‘and’ comment 😉 – which is that there is room (figuratively anyway!) for a number of additional ‘techniques for developing EI). I’m only just realizing how little these are standard, but techniques for further approaches releasing and clearing blocked emotions and emotional patterns need to be more widely distributed. And the interaction between what is ‘culturally acceptable’ and what emotions can be acknowledged, valued, and cleared could be noted – sometimes EI is a cultural issue rather than a personal one!
Still, the best thing I’ve seen on EI! And visually is a crucial way to provide this information – it may get past a lot more barrier this way :). Congrats and thanks!