
Calm Under Pressure

The Calm Under Pressure mind map explores the steps you must take to remain calm under pressure no matter what life throws your way. Staying calm under pressure is advantageous because it provides you clarity of thought which can lead to better decision-making during difficult situations.

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Inner Portrait Creation

The Inner portrait creation Mind Map will help you to explore the therapeutic and entertaining expression of your inner artist. The Mind Map breaks down freeing your imagination, exploring senses, experimenting with different styles and media and capturing your inner feelings through creative art or mindmapping.

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You Make You Feel Good

The You make you feel good Mind Map will help you to appreciate how our thoughts, particularly unquestioned ones, govern our feelings. The Mind Map breaks down how the world around us impacts our daily lives, the choices we make about what we come into contact with and how it affects us. In addition the mind map covers how by recognising this and questioning our thinking our thoughts can change our lives.

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Vanishing Yesterdays

The Vanishing yesterday’s Mind Map will help you to appreciate how the past has left you. The Mind Map breaks down how the past is much like diving off a diving-board in that once you have left the diving-board it is behind you. In addition the mind map covers the acknowledgement of the entry point to the present moment plus examples of how you might recall that every day is a new day.

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Diamond Beneath the Sheets

The Diamond beneath the sheets Mind Map will help you to appreciate the process of unlearning to discover the real you within. The Mind Map breaks down noticing and questioning the layers of filters and perceptions learned both unconsciously and consciously. The mind map looks at unlocking the label-less innocence of your primary state and tapping fresh insights beneath existing concepts.

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Laugh Every Day

The Laugh every day Mind Map will help you to appreciate finding ways to be less serious and look at the lighter side of life. The Mind Map breaks down ideas such as spending time with kids, reading funny books and watching comedy series, plus looking at yourself in the mirror to transform a frown into a smile. In addition the mind map includes a quote plus full details of the book “Easier than you Think” by Richard Carlson where the original idea came from.

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Physiology of Excellence

The Physiology of Excellence mind map will show you how to use your body to help improve your life. The mind map describes the mind /body connection and takes you through a physiological experiment that helps explore this connection in more depth and detail. The mind map also helps you find your peak physiological and emotional state that will naturally raise your level of confidence and competence. Finally the mind map explores your physiological recipe while presenting you with other strategies you can utilize to change how you feel instantly throughout the day by utilizing your body more effectively.

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Meeting of Worlds

The Meeting of worlds Mind Map will help you to consider the effect of input and output on learning and interaction within the world. The Mind Map breaks down what the world gives us and what we give the world, how we can share our unique gifts and help make a difference by creating positive change impact. In addition the mind map covers considering material gain as opposed to leaving a legacy of meaning.

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Fear of Silence

The Fear of silence Mind Map will help you to overcome fearing silence. The Mind Map breaks down reasons why we might fear silence, how our thoughts can create or hold fear in place and tips for becoming more comfortable with silence, including the gaps between our thinking.

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Self-Sabotage Patterns

The Self-Sabotage patterns mind map will show you how to overcome the limiting patterns of behavior that are preventing you from achieving your goals and objectives. The mind map discusses what self-sabotage patterns are and pinpoints the different types of self-sabotage patterns that we tend to indulge in. Furthermore, the mind map presents a four step process for eliminating self-sabotage and concludes by providing several tips you can immediately apply into your life to eliminate limiting behavior.

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