Book Summary
The Book Summary Mind Map Template will help you to quickly outline basic points or chapters of a book or other writing. The Mind Map presents initial main branches which can be expanded either by adding the template to the centre of a large landscape piece of paper or by utilising multiple copies. Mind Maps are wonderful for summarising books and also planning your own writing. This Book Summary Template is a handy starter for planning chapter or character outlines or summarising your reading.
| Lord, keep my memory green.
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Iamfedup Ofabusecheats
EITHER you FIRST request registration, then offer the download, OR you OFFER this download for FREE, (as YOU say here); and then LET IT BE AS YOUR OWN WORDS SAID!! Christian MEANS it, AS Christian, with NO-STRINGS, isn’t it?
To promise something “for free” and afterward request the email at the moment of downloading IS a clear cheat; this is shaming God: Jesus would NEVER do so!
True, “everybody does so” (even as today, a “Bible-software offers”, and after registration all we get is an “error-Page” [with phishing??!] and an advert page with porno-like-link!), BUT NOT THE CHRISTIANS!!!!
To you I write, because I think that it is important to mark a difference, and if the Christians “do as all others-for-all-others-do-so”, then WHERE is the point being a Christian at all?!? Could as well witness of anything-clubik! As long as you say you ARE Christian, then you ARE DIFFERENT, by essence: so please ACT differently as well (so far as you mind about shaming His Name).
Am sorry that I still didn’t find that software who HONESTLY says A., and at download I see the SAME A than at the offer (with or without mail reg.). For THIS brings trust; and a such would I MAYBE buy.
Wish you the best, and especially, to REPRESENT He of Whom you speak, in all His Integrity, even AS He is, so does He call us to be (AS FAR as we are honest when we say belonging to Him. Only He knows the hearts).
Hope you can see that in taking time to write you this mail, I am honouring you, and trying to help our common “cause”. God bless you. S.J.
Adam Sicinski
Once you click on the image you will be directed to another page where you can download the mind map for free.
I hope this helps.